The spirit of the pearl Cold
moon infused by winter
stillness unveils a portal
in the nights enveloping sky —
tinged lilac, the silvery heights
of soft-grey horizontal clouds
are drawn quietly around this vigilant
wound through which a sound
descending upon the giant Sequoias
offers Silence to Life’s pilgrimage —
of pain, dissolution, then separation
there is no resolution in the unknown.
Starlight is the mystery hidden in the snow
the mountain moving is walking slow
in the marrow of bones there is light
retreating further the closer we draw;
in the end beginning, lost yet daring
searching within the search which searches
nothing linear going round in circles —
chemistry in darkness, a negative
image between lie and reality
trying to make peace with ambiguity,
fear of nothingness unchartered wilderness
the gulf remains within hearts of stone.
Pilgrim is this the going home?
Quietness hums the bee, the desert
flower unseen will always bloom
there are no locks no key no door
mercy flows unto the smallest effort
effortless stillness is always moving, a drop
of dew is deeper than the deepest ocean
the desperate coward is always brave
bitten by the poison of the snake
he dies falls up becomes awake, wrought
out of fire between man and beast —
eternal light and blackest weight.